Pickup available at
Brisbane (Virginia)
Gold Coast (Molendinar)
Melbourne (Derrimut or Dandenong South)
Newcastle (Cardiff)
Adelaide (Kilburn)
20 depots across Australia are now fully operational.
Check individual listings for which products are stocked in which locations.
Height: 850mm
No Holes
Toughened Heat soaked Clear Glass with Flat Polished Edges
2mm Polished Radius Corners
Comes with corner protectors
Perfect for our MOD50 and SLOT50 systems
Ensure regulations are met with regards to glass type and fixing type, new glass balustrade code came into affect 1st May 2023, if in doubt check with your certifier.
Free collection from Gold Coast, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne, Cardiff
Delivery is to the below areas only, See delivery and collection maps
Sunshine Coast, (as far north as Noosa)
Brisbane metro
Gold Coast
Northern Rivers, (north of Ballina and including Ballina)
Melbourne metro
Adelaide metro
Cardiff metro,
Not available in Perth
If outside of these areas please ask.