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DECK JACKS, Decking Jacks, Height adjustable, Sub floor framing system

MATERIAL: PolypropyleneCOLOUR: Black Deck Jacks are a new innovative subfloor framing system. Deck Jacks are easy to... Read More
Size: 20mm high
Subtotal: $4.18

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DECK JACKS, Decking Jacks, Height adjustable, Sub floor framing system

DECK JACKS, Decking Jacks, Height adjustable, Sub floor framing system


DECK JACKS, Decking Jacks, Height adjustable, Sub floor framing system

Size: 20mm high

MATERIAL: Polypropylene

Deck Jacks are a new innovative subfloor framing system. Deck Jacks are easy to install and height adjustable, allowing fast and easy levelling on to which decking can be installed. The Decking Jacks are extremely strong and have been load tested. Deck Jacks can be used with Aluminium and Timber joists to create sturdy subfloor framing.

Height adjustable from 20mm to 100mm
• 60mm high spacer/extender available
• Very strong and light weight
• Simply place deck jacks on substrate - does not
need screwing down or gluing
• Recommended at 450mm centres: most
common joist spacing in Australia
• Span between deck jacks up to 1200mm apart - contact us for engineering information
• Simply fix aluminium joists or timber joists to
deck jacks to complete subframe system
• Ideal for installation with composite decking or
genuine timber decking
• Fast and easy to install system

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Andrew Pawsey

Very happy with this product

Peter Crawley
Deck Jacks

Received my deck jacks in good order, they were really well packed, very happy with the product.
The only criticism I have is with the courier delivery, the guy rang me when he arrived at my address, what is the good of that, some notice is needed of a likely delivery time, say morning or afternoon, luckily I was home.

William Goosen
Deck Jacks

I constructed a deck on the concrete alfresco of my house DIY. It represent a significant investment, the surface planks guaranteed to last +20 years. Given +20 years life, the support frame to the deck had to be constructed to match. The deck jacks were the most efficient way i.e. very easy and absolute accurate to level and solidly support the deck frame permanently. Admittedly, using the track jacks increased the cost but in my opinion a more accurate and quality support of the frame would hardly be possible without.

Great product

Just used a heap of these, so good, seem very strong and made life so much easier

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