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MATERIAL: Polypropylene
Deck Jacks are a new innovative subfloor framing system. Deck Jacks are easy to install and height adjustable, allowing fast and easy levelling on to which decking can be installed. The Decking Jacks are extremely strong and have been load tested. Deck Jacks can be used with Aluminium and Timber joists to create sturdy subfloor framing.
Height adjustable from 20mm to 100mm
• 60mm high spacer/extender available
• Very strong and light weight
• Simply place deck jacks on substrate - does not
need screwing down or gluing
• Recommended at 450mm centres: most
common joist spacing in Australia
• Span between deck jacks up to 1200mm apart - contact us for engineering information
• Simply fix aluminium joists or timber joists to
deck jacks to complete subframe system
• Ideal for installation with composite decking or
genuine timber decking
• Fast and easy to install system