Pickup available at
Brisbane (Virginia)
Gold Coast (Molendinar)
Melbourne (Derrimut or Dandenong South)
Newcastle (Cardiff)
Adelaide (Kilburn)
Perth (Jandakot)
20 depots across Australia are now fully operational.
Check individual listings for which products are stocked in which locations.
10mm clear toughened glass; 2mm radius corners
Every panel individually packed in cardboard with pre-drilled holes; ready for installation
Order with the Stal kit and a fixed panel and return panel if needed.
Then order any wall brackets you might need for the fixed panel or return panel.
Then order the sliding rail that suits.
Then order a water bar and door flaps if needed.
Free collection from Gold Coast, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne, Cardiff or Perth
Delivery is to the below areas only, See delivery and collection maps
Sunshine Coast, (as far north as Noosa)
Brisbane metro
Gold Coast
Northern Rivers, (north of Ballina)
Melbourne metro
Adelaide metro
Cardiff metro,
Perth metro
If outside of these areas please ask.